Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Gentle Reminder

Today began as one of those, “One step forward…three steps back” type of days.  Mama was en route to Cape Town via London and I, thrilled and excited about seeing her so soon,  was eager to know she was on time for her Cape Town flight this evening.  Despite extensive organizing on both her and my part to have international cell phone service while she is traveling, it did not work from her layover in London; nor did the number AT&T gave her in case it didn’t work.   I had a long list of things to accomplish today and while my research took longer to compile and internet connectivity was in and out at the office, I didn’t get as far as I had hoped.  Plus, I got word that one of my day trips I had coordinated for Mama’s visit completely fell through. The best laid plans……

I was starting to feel a bit frustrated and sorry for myself that I didn’t have "all the perks" of home, when a 30-something guy came into the office to meet with the Archbishop.  Normally tea is only served at 11 AM, but since Father was still at work, we enjoyed it again at 3:30 today.  The guy was introduced as Jake, an American, who was responsible for the UBUNTU beaded bracelets a few of the staff members were wearing.  The only other thing I knew about him was he had a newborn son…and he had named him Freedom.  “Just another free spirit hippie…” I cavalierly thought to myself.

As tea time began, the Arch asked Jake to tell his story.  An American by birth, he was reared in London, traveled to South Africa as teen and fell in love with the county.  He found a law professor in Pennsylvania to sponsor him for a year after he graduated college and he made his way to Cape Town, where he went to work for a company that ended up being a complete shame.  He lasted a day before jumping on a train – not knowing his next step. On the train, he befriended a man who invited him to visit Port Elizabeth, a town in the Eastern Cape.  Jake obliged and got off at the PE stop.  They went to a restaurant where he struck up a conversation with another man who suggested he be a teacher at the local school.  Jake said he would, but he didn’t have a place to live.  The man at the restaurant offered a room in his home.  Jake agreed and went to live with the man’s family in a Port Elizabeth township.  Living and working in the midst of the community, he saw thousands of dollars in aid from overseas come and dole out millions of socks or cups of soup to the poor people in PE, but nothing was being done systematically to change the children’s future.  

He took matters into his own hands;  he and the man, whom he had met in the restaurant and was then renting a room from, started an organization called the Ubuntu Education Fund. That was 13 years ago.  They started working with girls who had been raped and young men from broken homes.  The began with the idea that they wouldn’t help  them for a only year or two;  they followed them through until university.  Their success rate is amazing. Today, they are reaching over 40,000 children through their services. Check it out:   Knowing that some children face overwhelming disadvantages even before they are born, they begin their work with pregnant mothers –teaching them the dangers of smoking and drinking during pregnancy, the importance of eating well, and prenatal care.  They have now built an incredible facility, which Jake shared pictures of, that is of the highest quality.  It is absolutely phenomenal.   
While Jake was talking, I got choked up, but I was not the only one. We were all blown away.  As he finished his incredible story, the Arch looked at all of us and simply said, “The power of one.”  Jake took this leap of faith - befriending a man on a train, going to live with a stranger, seeing a need and believing in his dream to fix it; years later, he is affecting the lives of an entire community by leaps and bounds. The Arch then went on to remind us not to be so quick to judge others.  In his ever so humble manner, he told us he was not preaching to us.  Rather, he was preaching to himself as just the other day, as he was leaving Mass, a taxi cut in front of him.  The Arch was furious;  he honked the horn and yelled at the driver.  He later reflected, “What good did that do except make my blood pressure rise? Nothing useful came out it.”  I SWEAR it was Dr. Singhal’s class in the middle of Cape Town and with the Archbishop no less! 

All too often we get caught up in the moment, becoming irritated at the little things instead being grateful for our countless blessings.  We lose sight of the goodness in the others.  We are quick to judge and slow to forgive.  After a day of harping on my own minor frustrations and passing harsh judgment on a man, who only minutes later had inspired me immensely, I was thankful for the gentle reminder.  It is always good to have, as Dr. Singhal would say, our “Gandhi moments”  – especially when we least expect them and, ironically, need them the most.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Long Lost Cousins...

Wednesday started off a typical day at the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre.  I sat at my computer doing research and planning for Thursday’s focus group.   I was, however, sitting in a new desk as Kate, Nicky and I have been moved recently due to additional folks (this week: auditors) in the office.  The desk I was occupying is right in front of the door, so I was being mistaken as a receptionist for most of the morning…which was fine by me, though I did get a few puzzled glances when visitors heard the welcome in a strong and true Arkansas accent.  Several groups were scheduled to meet with the Archbishop on Wednesday, including a group of Americans from Notre Dame.  After I shepherded the Fighting Irish into the Board Room, I greeted a couple with matching tartans (hers – a scarf; his -  a tie and vest).  Interesting, I thought to myself as I went to fetch Vivian, the Archbishop’s personal assistant, to take care of them.  As I got back to work on my laptop, I thought I heard Vivian say “Hello Mr. and Ms. McGowan.  Welcome.   Would you like some tea?”  Was I hearing things?  Surely so.  I refrained from my instinctive, “Did you say MCGOWAN?!” to save myself the potential embarrassment.   Instead, I only smiled and then cornered Vivian in the kitchen as she went to prepare their tea.  “Vivian, what is the tartan people’s surname?” I asked (quite proud of myself for remembering to say surname).  Sure enough she replied, “McGowan.”  I was giddy with delight as I then spelled M-C-G-O-W-A-N just to make sure I had heard her correctly.  Thinking I was a bit mad for this much enthusiasm over a surname, she simply smiled and said yes.  With that knowledge, I raced back to the tartan-clad couple and blurted, “I think we must be kin.  I am a McGowan too!” 

Ina and James McGowan were delightful people who have started a ministry called the Mighty Men Tartan (, which sells and produces the only Christian tartan in the world.  My Methodist side was a bit overwhelmed with their evangelical message, but they were quite kind nonetheless. James is a world renowned bag piper and he and Ina, a native Capetonian, married 5 years ago after meeting in the UK.  They had met the Archbishop before and were returning to give him a custom made Mighty Men Tartan hat.   Ironically, James’s youngest daughter is named Molly.  It reminded me of the only time in my life I have met another Molly McGowan in person…that time just happened to be at the White House during President Clinton’s last official Christmas Party as Commander in Chief.  I was a junior at Little Rock Central High School; the other MM, an architect at the Polshek Partnership, which was in the process of designing the Clinton library. (Love that I am now writing about this as a CLINTON School of Public Service Student)  Though I regret that I did not have time to learn more about James McGowan’s daughter, I do know her full name is Molly Frances (of course, I had to ask) and she is the youngest child.  Maybe one day our paths will cross.  Until then, James and Ina were incredibly gracious, even giving me a Mighty Men Tartan of my own.  See attached picture of all three of us donning the beautiful fabric.  I was honored and proud to meet what surely must be my long lost cousins…

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wine, Whales, and Work

It's been over a week since my last update and much has happened since then!  Fernando and Spencer arrived for a fun filled and fast-paced week in their new favorite city.  Though I was busy with work and Peer Mediation Training during the day, we had a great time together come nightfall.  We managed to celebrate July 4th in true U(SA) style with hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, corn, and baked beans courtesy of fabulous Kaitlin and her wonderful roommates. Throughout the Tanzania boys' visit, we dined and toasted with fabulous South African wines at several great restaurants - one of them being a brand new one that we just happened upon....and by brand new, I mean we were their very first customers so we got photographed and special attention from the delightful chef and owner, Roberto.  Our Cape Town guests were in need of malls and movie theatres after several weeks with roosters and no electricity, so we checked out the Victoria and Albert Waterfront area (one of my favorites) for good food and a showing of the Source Code (in which I feel asleep after approximately 7 minutes. Note:  It is a good, action packed movie, but I had spent the day with 60 6th and 7th graders at the Peer Mediation Training and was exhausted!).  While we worked, the two explored all the wonders Cape Town has to offer in spectacular 65 degree weather; I think it's safe to say, both are ready to move here.  It was great to have familiar faces in town and to show off the City which I have also come to love.

This weekend brought a trip to Hermanus with friends, Catherine and Joy Alexander.  Catherine's parents retired in the old fishing village, now a destination hot spot, so I tagged along for exploration and adventure. I had an absolute ball! Hermanus, about an hour and a half away from Cape Town, is known for its whales.  It's the best place to view whales on the continent.  The season begins in July and lasts until December.  Unfortunately, we were a little early and none were spotted - though we did manage to see a school of dolphins, which was pretty neat.  Hermanus reminded me a lot of Nantucket, so I obviously took to it. It is breathtakingly beautiful with great restaurants, shops, and markets. I'm definitely going to try to make another trip back before I head home - maybe during Mama's visit to South Africa!

Work has been going well and is consistently keeping me busy.  I am in the midst of planning a focus group session for high school students this Thursday in the hopes of gaining their insight to future Desmond Tutu Peace Centre programming. It should be a worthwhile and interesting day. I continued to be inspired by this country's young people and their commitment to greatness.   Their enthusiasm and engagement provides me with a sense of purpose and a hopeful outlook for the work I am doing.  May that sense of optimism be with you all! 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Cape Town's Davidsonians

Davidson folks have a way of finding one another.  It is often repeated that anytime an alum, current student, or parent sees a fellow Davidson bumper sticker, beach towel, or t-shirt, we honk the horn and wave, stop the person on the beach by the towel or donning the t-shirt and shriek, “DAVIDSON?!!! Did YOU go to Davidson?” Our pride is unique and I LOVE it.  Just today I received an email from a friend  (c/o 2007) who had heard about this blog from another dear friend and former roommate who had mentioned it to her at a Davidson alum event in DC last night.  Word travels fast among Davidson folk. So I guess it should come as no surprise (though it certainly did!) that I found my friend and old Cambridge buddy, Kaitlin Parker, had also made Cape Town her home this summer.  Thanks to the wonders of Facebook, I noticed she had posted, “Happy Birthday from Africa!” on a fellow Davidsonian’s wall.  Seeing that sparked my inquiry as I knew I had written similar posts this past month. Still, I thought to myself AFRICA is a CONTINENT and what are the chances that Kaitlin is actually IN South Africa – much less, this city?!  Turns out, pretty good.  Kaitlin also just finished her first year of her Masters Program (at University of Southern California Annenberg School of Broadcast Journalism) and is in Cape Town working for a local radio station and getting a few hours of course credit, too.  So thousands of miles away from our respective homes (she’s a Texan by birth, West Coaster by choice) we found each other in the City by the Sea.  Ironically, we shared our late July birthdays together six years ago on a Davidson Summer Program at Cambridge University.  Who would have thought, first England 2005 and now South Africa 2011!

There are 10 other students on Kaitlin’s program from USC in Cape Town and through another small world connection they have found a group of Cape Townians who know how to drink and cook – thus, making fast friends. They call themselves the GDC (Great Dinner Club) and hosted us to an Israeli/Greek/ Shabbat dinner last week.  Up next, the Americans are hosting a good ol’ 4th of July Bash!  Should be great fun…and Spencer and Fernando (fellow Clinton School classmates who are completing their International Public Service Projects in rural Tanzania) will be visiting Cape Town just in time for it! A true American celebration – international style and in WINTER no less - will ensue!

On a side note, on Wednesday, Nicky, Nailah and I went to a book launch at a local bookstore of  Sewanee history professor Ralph Levine’s book on a 19th century Xhosa Chief.  Seems Sewanee folk find one another in the midst of South Africa too! Three Bishop Tutu Scholars from the University of the South were in attendance; the professor was quite amazed all three were able to make it.  I took a picture of the Sewanee gals with Dr. Levine to put in the school’s alumni magazine.  Wahoo for Southern small liberal arts schools I said to the Sewanee professor as I mentioned that I was a history major at Davidson.  “Ahh Davidson,” he remarked, “what Sewanee is always striving to be!”  Though I immediately replied (truthfully) that I thought Sewanee was a fabulous school indeed, my Davidson pride couldn’t help but shine through my smiling face.   There’s just something special about your alma mater no matter where in the world you find yourself.   

Friday, June 24, 2011

Michelle Obama and McDonald's

Yesterday was a great day to be an American in Cape Town.  As reported on the world news, our beloved First Lady has been in South Africa this week traveling in both Jo’burg and Cape Town.    While in Cape Town, she was scheduled to meet with Archbishop Tutu.  Of course everyone at the Peace Centre was lobbying hard for her to make an appearance at the office so we could all meet her here.  Last year, David Beckham and Charlize Theron both visited with Father and mingled with office staff in the midst of the Centre’s intimate office space, so why not ask the First Lady to stop by here too!  Alas, she was slated to only make stops at University of Cape Town and the World Cup Stadium (where the Archbishop would join her) so I would have to figure out another way to see her while she was in my home away from home for  these ten weeks.  Thanks to Will Jennings, an Arkansan friend who is on the FLOTUS advance team, that dream was possible.
Will told Nicky and me to arrive at the stadium at 10 yesterday morning.  The cab I called came early, so I arrived about a quarter 'til.  The stadium is beautiful – AND massive.  Though it is a short five minute drive from the city’s lovely Waterfront, there is not much surrounding the stadium except for a McDonald’s.  In my 20 days in Cape Town, I have not even thought about entering a McDonald’s.  But yesterday I was in desperate need of caffeine and there was nothing else in sight - so in true American fashion, I stopped by Mickey D’s for a cappuccino pick me up before heading to prepare for the First Lady’s visit.  It should be noted the McDonald’s are way nicer here than in the States.  Though when I asked for a soy cappuccino (missing Starbucks terribly), I was not met with a friendly response.  According to the employee, there is only one type of milk -  and that would be full cream.  Still, I was happy to have the coffee and was excited about the day ahead.  When Nicky and I got to work, we were in charge of setting up the décor and wrangling local press.  It was amazing to see the preparation that goes into such a visit – and that was just the day of! I know some of the folks from USAID, US Consulate and the Advance team had been here for over two weeks!  

Originally the plan was to be on the field, but due to weather we were moved indoors.  This made for a tight squeeze with the Press, the school children, the First Lady and the Arch, and secret service.  Still, it was fabulous and began with Mrs. Obama and Father giving short remarks to the youth.  The Arch reminded the Youth that they were VSPs  (see earlier post) and Mrs. Obama agreed, also noting that they were VHPs (Very Healthy Persons) too!  It was great.  One of the young South African girls in the audience stated that, one day, she would marry a President; without missing a beat, Mrs. Obama replied that she could also BE the President some day.  With that, the child smiled one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen on a young girl’s face – very special indeed! Both leaders were energetic and playful with the kids, who are learning sports to stay active and engaged. Their messages were positive and uplifting and you could see the joy in the youth's faces as these world famous folks played games with them -dribbling balls and even doing push-ups!  

Though I tried to figure out the right settings on my camera while taking photos (not a good combo), I did get a few close ups of the First Lady. She was playful, engaging, and energetic with the youth – instilling in them hope for a better tomorrow.  The Arch did what he does best - smiled, laughed and enriched everyone in attendance.  All in all, it was amazing.  As the stupendous day ended and I walked to meet my cab (at the McDonald’s no less), I was proud to be an American, inspired by two great leaders, and incredibly hopeful for the future of both the United States and South Africa!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The Desmond Tutu Peace Centre Youth Peace Summit (YPS) was a giant success.  The full three day event, which began Thursday morning and ended Saturday afternoon, was incredible! Even rain showers couldn't slow these kids down.  They were engaging, bright, energetic and talented.  I was blown away by their maturity and their openness.  Though the high school students were from a variety of backgrounds - races, religions, socio-econonics, and cultures - they all commented how much the Youth Peace Summit influenced them.  After three days of hearing from leaders such as the Archbishop and Yolanda Cuba (the youngest black female CEO of a major South African investment firm), conducting workshops in Diversity, Conflict Resolution, and the Environment, and sharing their creativity with one another, the YPSers were exposed to much in a short amount of time.  They rose to the occasion and exceeded all expectations. 

When the Arch addressed the students, he explained that it was a certain status to make you a VIP, but that they were all VSPs - VERY SPECIAL PERSONs and urged the youth to remind themselves of that every day.  They ate it up!  We chanted YPS/VSP the remainder of the three days. At times I felt a tad bit like a camp counselor, but was inspired nonetheless.

A few highlights included:

1. The South African National Anthem sung at the beginning and closing of the Summit; beautiful; uplifting and a hybrid of five languages brought tears to my eyes and chills to my spine.

2. The Youth's reception to the Archbishop; later the high schoolers shared what an amazing opportunity it was to hear him and how much they looked up to him.

3.  My group, the Red Hot Peace Peppers, was a special one.  I was impressed by the fast friendships formed within the group, despite their varied backgrounds.  At the conclusion of the Summit, they presented a skit about what they learned.  Their creativity and talent, including acting, beat boxing and singing, were fabulous.  However, nothing beat when all 26 of them lined up in a straight  line across the stage.  As they passed the microphone to one another, they proclaimed what they would all be 15 years later.   There were future doctors, lawyers, journalists, UN ambassadors, actors, and agents of social change.  Even more impressive, each student said it in their native language.  So, their proclamations were spoken in 7 different languages. Their facilitator, "Miss Molly," as they referred to me, was mighty, mighty proud.

4. Several students came up to me to tell me how much they were taking away from the Summit.  One even told me that he was planning on only coming Thursday and Friday as he had to work on Saturday.  He had learned so much and was having such a great time that he asked to work Sunday instead so he could also attend YPS on Saturday.  WOW.  Sign of a successful summit in my book!

Hope you all are doing well and staying cool despite high temps in the Great State on this first day of Summer.  I am bundled up with lots of layers here in Cape Town, but the sun is shining and I am loving this city more each day.  And a  Happy Father's Day to my dear Daddy - a #1 VSP.  I enjoyed our visit on Sunday.   Until next and hugs!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I like names.  Correction: I love names.  It is an odd fascination that I have had since I was a very young child. I would pick up Baby Name books in stores, ask all of my classmates and friends not only their middle names but their parents' middle names, their siblings' middle names, etc. etc.  To this day, names are one of the first topics I bring up when I meet someone new (albeit it takes them off guard at times); once I hear their full name I think of their monogram and I tend not to forget - even for years to come (wish I had this same ability with legal texts).   I am not sure if it is the strong Arkansas accent or the syllable placement, but for some reason in South Africa, people have trouble understanding the pronunciation of my name.  I never thought Molly was particularly difficult, but I've noticed here it takes a few times of my saying it for it to catch. "Maybe I should go by my formal name of Mary Catherine?" I thought to myself.  So, I asked Nicky the native South African and my fellow Clinton School classmate, what I should do.  She grabbed a pen and paper and wrote my name out "Morley" and said to pronounce it like that.  Heck no! I told her - I'm not a Morley; I am a MOLLY.  I write about my enthusiasm for names and the difficulties with my nickname in Cape Town not to provide you all a glimpse into one of my idiosyncrasies, but also to  share the story of my first meeting with Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

The room where Nicky, Kate, and I work is literally feet away from the Arch's office.  Pretty neat in and of itself, but knowing I would meet and have tea with the Archbishop himself - INCREDIBLE. My first week, Father (as he is affectionately referred to by the staff) was traveling so my introduction came yesterday.  Words cannot describe the joy he exudes.  Much like the way I felt (even surrounded by 18,000 people) when I heard the Dalai Lama speak at the University of Arkansas in May, I was struck by the Archbishop's spiritualism.  One is calmed in their presence.  It is the custom of the office to greet the Archbishop and we gather in a circle with him to do so.  He goes around to everyone with hugs and kisses on the cheek. When he got to me, I smiled and said "Father, I am Molly.  What a honor."  "Malley?" he responded, clearly puzzled by my name.  "MO-LLY" I answered as I began to blush and my South African friends tried to translate on my behalf.  Then, in a moment I shall never forget, the Arch threw his hands back, let out an extraordinary laugh, and with a twinkle in his eye, exclaimed, "Oh Mahhhleey!!!"  In a word, it was, spectacular.

Monday, June 13, 2011

First Impressions of Cape Town

Greetings from Cape Town, South Africa! I hope all of you are doing well in your respective corners of the world, our country, and in the Great State.  I arrived Tuesday afternoon in Cape Town and my first week has been an absolute whirlwind!  I was very grateful to be on the flight with Mallory and Greg, whose beautiful wedding I was honored to be a part of last Saturday and who are honeymooning in South Africa.  Though I tried not to disturb them on board, it was nice to have familiar faces as I began this incredible journey.

Upon arrival, I had a car waiting for me at the Cape Town airport.  In true MCM fashion, I appreciated that it was a new BMW no less.  Living the life I thought to myself....

People who have been Cape Town say that it is one of the most beautiful places in the world - and they are right.  The stupendous mountains in the background on my drive to my new apartment took my breath away.  Tabitha and Kate, fellow Clinton School classmates and my roommates while in South Africa, were at the apartment to greet me and help with my luggage.  I was immensely grateful.  Those of you who know me well, know it was hard to condense ten weeks of winter clothes into two (50 lbs or less) of luggage.  Somehow I managed, though I am still not sure exactly what I packed. 

My first day of work at the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre was Wednesday and it has been full throttle since then!  The staff is incredible and I am learning a tremendous amount. One of my favorite parts of the day is tea which is served at 11 am daily. When the Archbishop is in the office, it is also served at 3 pm.  Tea, coffee and biscuits are served and people are to talk about anything and everything - except work.  It is a nice bonding time and an incredible opportunity to get to know everyone at a more personal level.  Plus, the tea is delicious! My Spencer ancestors would be quite proud.

The Centre is gearing up for the three day Youth Peace Summit that will occur this week (coinciding with Youth Day - a national holiday in South Africa).  Over 150 high school learners as they are called here will attend.  I am getting very excited to interact with such fine and bright young people.  We met with a few of the Summit facilitators on Saturday, who were all University of Cape Town students that had volunteered to assist.  I was impressed with their drive, compassion, and articulation - and their humor. If these are the young leaders of South Africa, the country is in good hands.

I also had a unique opportunity to visit several township schools on Thursday and Friday.  It was an eye-opening experience.  Nicky and Kate are working on a project for the Centre that involves Schools for Peace; I tagged along to get a sense of the issues young women were facing in these schools.  The inequalities amongst the schools was apparent.  I learned that all schools in South Africa - both public and private - have the same mandated curriculum.  The difference is the resources and what a difference that makes indeed. Still, the meetings were both beneficial and informative.  We gathered much information from the teachers and administrators - and I learned a bit of Xhosa along the way as well.

Thursday evening, I crashed Mallory and Greg's honeymoon and had dinner and drinks with them before they headed off for their Safari and Mauritius.  They stayed at the Cape Grace Hotel (where the Clintons stayed last time they were in Cape Town) and I enjoyed a Kir Royale in Mama's honor on the hotel's fabulous deck.  As soon as I am able to upload pictures, I will do so.  We then had a very nice meal at 95.  All in all, it was a great time and I am so glad I got to share a little of my time in Cape Town with my old friends, the Newlyweds.

Nicky was very kind to invite me to St. George's Cathedral with her on Sunday morning.  The Cathedral, which is a short walk from my apartment in the Gardens district, is quite lovely.  I got there a bit early (SHOCKING I know) and while I waited, I watched the people file into seats.  I was completely blown away by the diversity of the congregation.  People of different races, backgrounds, socio-economic levels, and the likes were together in this place of worship.  I was moved by the unity.  Mandela's proclamation of a "Rainbow Nation" seemed alive and well - at least that Sunday morning at the Cathedral. 

After church, Nicky and I enjoyed a nice meal at the Waterfront and strolled through the Carnival there.  Nicky's five year old precocious daughter, Nailah, will arrive next week and I know she will love all the fun the Waterfront area has to offer.  I wrapped up the weekend with a movie. Tabitha, Kate, and I saw Water for Elephants and loved it. 

Like it is in any new place, there is a transitional period of adaptation and adjustment.  Thanks to good friends, my wonderful Clinton School classmates, and an incredible organization, the transition is easier day by day.  Until the next time, my love and hugs to you all!