Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wine, Whales, and Work

It's been over a week since my last update and much has happened since then!  Fernando and Spencer arrived for a fun filled and fast-paced week in their new favorite city.  Though I was busy with work and Peer Mediation Training during the day, we had a great time together come nightfall.  We managed to celebrate July 4th in true U(SA) style with hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, corn, and baked beans courtesy of fabulous Kaitlin and her wonderful roommates. Throughout the Tanzania boys' visit, we dined and toasted with fabulous South African wines at several great restaurants - one of them being a brand new one that we just happened upon....and by brand new, I mean we were their very first customers so we got photographed and special attention from the delightful chef and owner, Roberto.  Our Cape Town guests were in need of malls and movie theatres after several weeks with roosters and no electricity, so we checked out the Victoria and Albert Waterfront area (one of my favorites) for good food and a showing of the Source Code (in which I feel asleep after approximately 7 minutes. Note:  It is a good, action packed movie, but I had spent the day with 60 6th and 7th graders at the Peer Mediation Training and was exhausted!).  While we worked, the two explored all the wonders Cape Town has to offer in spectacular 65 degree weather; I think it's safe to say, both are ready to move here.  It was great to have familiar faces in town and to show off the City which I have also come to love.

This weekend brought a trip to Hermanus with friends, Catherine and Joy Alexander.  Catherine's parents retired in the old fishing village, now a destination hot spot, so I tagged along for exploration and adventure. I had an absolute ball! Hermanus, about an hour and a half away from Cape Town, is known for its whales.  It's the best place to view whales on the continent.  The season begins in July and lasts until December.  Unfortunately, we were a little early and none were spotted - though we did manage to see a school of dolphins, which was pretty neat.  Hermanus reminded me a lot of Nantucket, so I obviously took to it. It is breathtakingly beautiful with great restaurants, shops, and markets. I'm definitely going to try to make another trip back before I head home - maybe during Mama's visit to South Africa!

Work has been going well and is consistently keeping me busy.  I am in the midst of planning a focus group session for high school students this Thursday in the hopes of gaining their insight to future Desmond Tutu Peace Centre programming. It should be a worthwhile and interesting day. I continued to be inspired by this country's young people and their commitment to greatness.   Their enthusiasm and engagement provides me with a sense of purpose and a hopeful outlook for the work I am doing.  May that sense of optimism be with you all! 

1 comment:

  1. Nice to know the whales are on the move past many different southern hemisphere coastlines! I was keeping an eye out for them a few weeks ago when I went to the beach. Like you, no whales spotted but some brave dolphins were surfing around in the massive waves crashing into the cliffs below us.
