Friday, June 24, 2011

Michelle Obama and McDonald's

Yesterday was a great day to be an American in Cape Town.  As reported on the world news, our beloved First Lady has been in South Africa this week traveling in both Jo’burg and Cape Town.    While in Cape Town, she was scheduled to meet with Archbishop Tutu.  Of course everyone at the Peace Centre was lobbying hard for her to make an appearance at the office so we could all meet her here.  Last year, David Beckham and Charlize Theron both visited with Father and mingled with office staff in the midst of the Centre’s intimate office space, so why not ask the First Lady to stop by here too!  Alas, she was slated to only make stops at University of Cape Town and the World Cup Stadium (where the Archbishop would join her) so I would have to figure out another way to see her while she was in my home away from home for  these ten weeks.  Thanks to Will Jennings, an Arkansan friend who is on the FLOTUS advance team, that dream was possible.
Will told Nicky and me to arrive at the stadium at 10 yesterday morning.  The cab I called came early, so I arrived about a quarter 'til.  The stadium is beautiful – AND massive.  Though it is a short five minute drive from the city’s lovely Waterfront, there is not much surrounding the stadium except for a McDonald’s.  In my 20 days in Cape Town, I have not even thought about entering a McDonald’s.  But yesterday I was in desperate need of caffeine and there was nothing else in sight - so in true American fashion, I stopped by Mickey D’s for a cappuccino pick me up before heading to prepare for the First Lady’s visit.  It should be noted the McDonald’s are way nicer here than in the States.  Though when I asked for a soy cappuccino (missing Starbucks terribly), I was not met with a friendly response.  According to the employee, there is only one type of milk -  and that would be full cream.  Still, I was happy to have the coffee and was excited about the day ahead.  When Nicky and I got to work, we were in charge of setting up the décor and wrangling local press.  It was amazing to see the preparation that goes into such a visit – and that was just the day of! I know some of the folks from USAID, US Consulate and the Advance team had been here for over two weeks!  

Originally the plan was to be on the field, but due to weather we were moved indoors.  This made for a tight squeeze with the Press, the school children, the First Lady and the Arch, and secret service.  Still, it was fabulous and began with Mrs. Obama and Father giving short remarks to the youth.  The Arch reminded the Youth that they were VSPs  (see earlier post) and Mrs. Obama agreed, also noting that they were VHPs (Very Healthy Persons) too!  It was great.  One of the young South African girls in the audience stated that, one day, she would marry a President; without missing a beat, Mrs. Obama replied that she could also BE the President some day.  With that, the child smiled one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen on a young girl’s face – very special indeed! Both leaders were energetic and playful with the kids, who are learning sports to stay active and engaged. Their messages were positive and uplifting and you could see the joy in the youth's faces as these world famous folks played games with them -dribbling balls and even doing push-ups!  

Though I tried to figure out the right settings on my camera while taking photos (not a good combo), I did get a few close ups of the First Lady. She was playful, engaging, and energetic with the youth – instilling in them hope for a better tomorrow.  The Arch did what he does best - smiled, laughed and enriched everyone in attendance.  All in all, it was amazing.  As the stupendous day ended and I walked to meet my cab (at the McDonald’s no less), I was proud to be an American, inspired by two great leaders, and incredibly hopeful for the future of both the United States and South Africa!

1 comment:

  1. I meant to tell you two that I watched all the news feeds here in Geneva trying see you girls...I knew you were resourceful enough to find a way in. I expected to see one or both of you as special assistants!
